What is an American? An American is a person who believes all men are created equal regardless of the color of their skin. Real Americans do judge a man by the content of their character & not by the color of their skin. Real Americans believe in limited government and the power of the individual to change the world with a great idea or invention. Real Americans believe in possibilities. Possibilities without the fear of government intervention to stifle our dreams. Real Americans achieve great things and inspire others to strive to create opportunities for others to achieve. That's the America I know. That's the America I believe in. I believe in the power of the individual who when he or she achieves helps others to achieve. America was built on the win win. That's the America I know. Not the pitiful place we have today. Make sure you vote. Vote with all your heart. Vote to restore America to it's rightful place in the world. Vote to restore America to the shining city in the hill that all aspire to be part of. God bless America and all those who still believe in her. Those who believe in God almighty himself and live within his rules will prosper! No excuses permitted. That's the real America, not the one of today which is filled with political correctness of the worse kind. Real Americans achieve with God almighty by their side. That's the America I know.
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